Personal Training and fitness instruction has got a fairly low initial financial layout. One of the main costs is rent, whether it be gym rent or fitness studio/hall rent get this wrong and you could end up making less money than you planned. So here are a few guidelines to help you along the way
- Do sessions outside or at the clients home wherever possible, thereby eliminating rent altogether, make sure that your insurance covers this
- Avoid the sports centre halls for your fitness classes and bootcamp’s, opt for church halls and scout halls. I halved my rent with this strategy
- Never take the first price offered to you by hall contacts
- Don’t hire a bigger space than you need
And for Gym Rent
- Don’t take the first price quoted by the gym
- Offer to teach classes or work as a gym instructor in exchange for a reduced or non existing rent, this is a double edged sword as it gets you in front of potential clients, just make sure that this type of arrangement does not clash with prime PT time
- If you are just starting off, see if you can get a Pay as you Go deal with the gym, where I am, the going rate is £10 per client if you can find a gym that will do this. By paying for 20 sessions up front, I got it for £5 per client so explore this with the owner
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